12-10-2008, 12:45 AM
![[Immagine: peeral0.png]](http://img244.imageshack.us/img244/8886/peeral0.png)
Liste Peerguardian
= = = = = Link in formato .zip = = = = =
NOTA 1: Se utilizzate cFosSpeed, disattivate la lista Educational
NOTA 2: Se utilizzate il blocco HTTP, potreste avere problemi/rallentamenti
nella visualizzazoine di DD in quanto vengono bloccati tutti gli sponsor
in questo caso dovete aggiungere una lista personalizzata per sbloccare i relativi IP
NOTA 3: la Temp List non è più disponibile, eliminarla nel List Manager
Le 5 liste installate di default da Peerguardian sono dei semplici link che rimandano alle liste di Bluetack
= = = = = Come aggiungere le liste manualmente = = = = =
1. Aprire Peerguardian
2. Cliccare su List Manager
3. Cliccare su Add
4. Immettere un nome per la lista in Description
5. Scegliere Add URL
6. Inserire il link
= = = = = Come aggiungere le liste in automatico = = = = =
Seguire la procedura al post successivo
= = = = = Come aggiungere una lista personalizzata = = = = =
1. Aprire Peerguardian
2. Cliccare su List Manager
3. Cliccare su Create List
4. Immettere un nome per la lista in Description
5. Cliccare su Browse
6. Scegliere la cartella, immettere un nome e cliccare Salva
7. Scegliere nella sezione Type se la lista
deve essere di tipo Block (blocca) oppure Allow (consenti)
8. Cliccare su OK
9. Cliccare su Add e immettere un nome per
il range di IP da bloccare (o consentire), l'IP iniziale e l'IP finale.
10. Cliccare su Save
Per conoscere l'IP di un sito andate qui: http://www.nwtools.com/
e digitate il nome del sito (es. http://hwnl.mastertopforum.net ) nella casella
sopra al pulsante Submit e poi cliccate Submit
= = = = = Come sapere se le liste sono state scaricate = = = = =
Quando effettuate un aggiornamento, PeerGuardian verifica la presenza di liste diverse da quelle scaricate e risponde come segue:
Downloading... Finished -> Lista aggiornata scaricata
No update available -> Non ci sono nuovi aggiornamenti
No update needed -> Aggiornamento non necessario (l'aggiornamento è stato fatto da poco)
Error contacting url -> La lista è stata spostata (o il server non risponde)
= = = = = Descrizione delle liste = = = = =
Ad Trackers
This list contains advertising trackers and a short list of bad/intrusive porn sites.
Use this list if you want to block advertising items that appear on websites while you surf.
Bogon List
This list is automatically generated daily from a list published at CompleteWhois.
Bogons is the name used to describe IP blocks not allocated by IANA and RIRs to ISPs and organizations plus all other IP blocks that are reserved for private or special use by RFCs (the actual term bogons comes from word bogus, as in bogus IP announcements). As these IP blocks are not allocated or specially reserved, such IP blocks should not be routable and used on the internet, however some of these IP blocks do appear on the net primarily used by those individuals and organizations that are often specifically trying to avoid being identified and are often involved in such activities as DoS attacks, email abuse, hacking and other security problems. These activities obviously pose great danger to everyone and ISPs should try to filter all these bad IP routes and we are trying to help in that by working to create complete detailed list of unassigned bogon ips based on whois data.
DShield List
This list contains known Hackers and such people in it.
More information can be found at the DShield Website.
Edu List
This list contains all known Educational Institutions - University IP ranges.
Hijacked List
This list is automatically updated from CompleteWhois.
Hijacked IP space are IP blocks that are being used without permission by organizations that have no relation to original organization (or its legal successor) that received the IP block. In essence it's stealing of somebody else's IP resources.
Level1 List
This list blocks known anti-p2p companies.
It contains p2p trackers like Mediasentry, Mediaforce, and known fake p2p file sources from companies like Overpeer. The list also contains all known Government - Military - Science - Research Labs and Bad Education facilities IP addresses collected by the Bluetack Team. Basically this list will block all kinds of internet connections that most people would rather not have during their internet travels.
Level2 List
The Level 2 blocklist includes Banks, Financial Institutions, Corporations etc...
In order words most of the official institutions.
Level3 List
This list contains ranges that don't fit into the Level1 or Level2 Lists.
This ranges are minor threads but some people don't like those ranges to connect to them. Be aware that you might block at lot of stuff while surfing with this list. Akamai server, Yahoo ranges, dodgy ISP's for example are part of this list.
MS List
This list covers all the known MS Corp ranges.
It also covers all their known associated IP ranges from around the world.
Rangetest List
This list contains addresses of suspicious IP's that are under investigation.
If you get a hit from one of the addresses in this list, report it to the Range Testing Report Section of the forum please.
Spider List
This list is intended to be used by webmasters to block hostile spiders from their web sites.
Automated software programs also known as spiders or bots, survey the Web and build their databases for search engines and some are used to track people down to automatically serve them with copyright violation notices.
Spyware List
This list is a compilation of known malicious SPYWARE and ADWARE IP Address ranges.
It is compiled from various sources, including other available Spyware Blacklists, HOSTS files, from research found at many of the top Anti-Spyware forums, logs of Spyware victims and also from the Malware Research Section here at Bluetack.
Temp List
This is a list of people who have been reported for bad deeds in p2p.
Having files that contain viruses and many other things.
Trojan / Portscanner List
This list has been compiled from firewall logs recording intrusion attempts on known and common Trojan ports.
Trojan and spyware hijacks from websites are added to the Spyware hijack list.
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Lists
These are the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority lists. They are for reserved listings and IP addresses that are supposedly not in use as of yet.
This list (IANA Private) and possibly the other IANA lists contain IP Ranges that will conflict with your connection if you are one a home network or a company network.
= = = = = Dove trovare le liste = = = = =
Uno dei più importanti siti dedicati alla sicurezza in Internet è il Bluetack Internet Security Solutions.
Tutte le liste possono essere scaricate dal loro forum agli indirizzi
= = = = = Dove scaricare il programma = = = = =
Versione ufficiale: 2.0 beta 6b
http://Peer Guardian 2, firewall IP pens...utenti P2P
Versioni in fase di test
Versione 2.0 beta 6c (per XP/2003)
Versione RC1 test (per Vista)
= = = = = Links = = = = =
Grazie TheSeeD!