08-18-2011, 07:44 AM
Parted Magic
Nuova release per Parted Magic, la nuova versione 6.6 aggiunge un nuovo boot menu e corregge alcuni bug riscontrati nelle versioni precedenti. Aggiornate numerose applicazioni e kernel.
Parted Magic è una distribuzione Linux Live CD/USB/PXE specificatamente creata e dedicata per il partizionamento e la gestione delle partizioni del proprio hard disk. Questa particolare distribuzione affianca il celebre GParted, con i migliori programmi Open Source dedicati al partizionamento ed operazioni varie di gestione e manutenzione delle partizioni. Parted Magic, offre supporto ai file system più diffusi, tra cui ricordiamo: ext2, ext3, ext4, fat16, fat32, hfs, hfs+, jfs, linux-swap, ntfs, ocfs2, reiserFS, reiser4, xfs, zfs
Citazione:Parted Magic 6.6
Bugs fixed: Fixed issue when resizing NTFS file systems.
Updated programs: lxterminal-0.1.11, openbox-3.5.0.
Parted Magic 6.5
Added programs: whiptail-0.52.11, plzip_0.7, pxz-4.999.9beta.20091201git, partclone-utils_0.1.
Parted Magic 6.4
Updated programs: firefox-5.0, pbzip2-1.1.4, epdfview-0.1.8, linux-3.0, gparted-0.9.0, clonezilla-1.2.9-19, lilosetup-0.2.9, pbzip2-1.1.5.
New features: Added “KILL Nouveau” option to failsafe menu so the nv driver is used instead. Adding “clonezilla” to the kernel command line brings you right into Clonezilla. SMP support was removed from the i486 kernel.
Bugs fixed: Most Radeon issues have been resolved. Some additional Mobile4 issues resolved.
Parted Magic 6.3
Updated programs: clonezilla-1.2.8-46.
Small script fixes and new kernel CPU options.
Parted Magic 6.2
New features: Rox now handles the desktop icons and feh displays the desktop wallpaper
Updated programs: testdisk-6.12, parted-3.0, linux-, chntpw-110511, gparted-0.8.1, unetbootin-linux-549, module-init-tools-3.16, lilo-22.8, boot_info_script-0.60, file-5.07, flashrom_0.9.3+r1323, lsscsi-0.25, lzip-1.12, rsync-3.0.8, sdparm-1.06, xfsdump-3.0.5, xfsprogs-3.1.5, xz-5.0.2, grub-1.99, gsmartcontrol-0.8.6, smartmontools-5.41
Bugs fixed: Ugly fonts in Firefox for locales other than US.
Added programs: feh-1.3.4, rox-filer-2.9, zfs-fuse-0.7.0, firmware-brcm80211-0.30, fixparts-0.7.1, lilosetup-2.8
Removed programs: The last bits of ntfs-progs has been removed. NTFS-3G handles ntfs for testdisk now.
Parted Magic 6.1
Updated: alsa-lib-, ddrescue-1.14, file-5.05, alsa-utils-, dmidecode-2.11, fuse-2.8.5, mc-, cpio-2.11, dosfstools-3.0.11, gdisk-0.6.14, mdadm-3.1.5, cryptsetup-1.2.0, dvd+rw-tools-7.1, lsscsi-0.24, tar-1.26, syslinux-4.04, xorg-server-1.9.5 (all compatible drivers and libraries too), ocz_sf_fw_set, linux-, nwipe-0.05, firefox-4.0.1, hdt-0.5.0
Parted Magic 6.0
Updated: cryptsetup-1.2.0, lvm2-2.02.84, nwipe-0.03 (downgraded), util-linux-2.19, linux-, udev-165, btrfs-progs-20110327, glibc-2.13, jfsutils-1.1.15, usbutils-002, xfsprogs-3.1.4, squashfs-4.2, simpleburn- (downgraded), busybox-1.18.4, memtest86-4.20, ntfs-3g_ntfsprogs-2011.4.12
Parted Magic richiede almeno un processore i586 e 312MB di RAM o 175MB per funzionare in modalità "Live".
Per installarlo su chiavina USB usare: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ (Supporto multi piattaforma)
Per installarlo su chiavina USB usare: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ (Supporto multi piattaforma)