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Installazione ZenPhoto su hosting Aruba - Versione stampabile

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+--- Discussione: Installazione ZenPhoto su hosting Aruba (/thread-275.html)

RE: Installazione ZenPhoto su hosting Aruba - rocco®dx - 04-15-2009

ciao a tutti...

praticamente volevo installare zenphoto su un hosting windows su aruba...

ho scaricato il file zip dal sito di zenphoto, ma non sono capace di installarlo... ho seguito qualche guida su google, ma sono tutte incomplete e confusionarie... si danno troppe cose per scontato... XD cose che io ovviamente ancora non ho imparato.. chi mi da una mano?

grazie in anticipo...

RE: Installazione ZenPhoto su hosting Aruba - Admin - 04-15-2009

Non credo tu possa farlo con l'hosting windows ma forse mi sbaglio, zenphoto dovrebbe lavorare su mysql e se non erro aruba lo da come opzionale quindi dovresti farlo inserire e pagare l'aggiunta.

RE: Installazione ZenPhoto su hosting Aruba - rocco®dx - 04-15-2009

ho il server mysql..

RE: Installazione ZenPhoto su hosting Aruba - Admin - 04-15-2009

Ma non sembra tanto difficile:

1. Download the latest version of Zenphoto.
2. Extract the files and upload them to your web directory.
3. Navigate to your gallery. EXAMPLE: www.yoursite.org/zenphoto/zp-core/setup.php will run the first time you visit the gallery. Make sure everything checks out then click GO!

RE: Installazione ZenPhoto su hosting Aruba - rocco®dx - 04-15-2009

l'ho fatto ma non va!!! vabè grazie lo stesso..

RE: Installazione ZenPhoto su hosting Aruba - Admin - 04-15-2009

Ma almeno arrivi alla pagina di setup iniziale o non trova il file?

RE: Installazione ZenPhoto su hosting Aruba - rocco®dx - 04-15-2009

ecco cosa mi dice quando apro il setup:

Welcome to Zenphoto! This page will set up Zenphoto on your web server.

Systems Check:

PHP version 5.2.8
PHP Safe Mode
PHP magic_quotes_gpc [is enabled]

You should consider disabling magic_quotes_gpc. For more information click here.

PHP gettext() support [is not present]

Localization of Zenphoto currently requires native PHP gettext() support

PHP setlocale() failed

Locale functionality is not implemented on your platform or the specified locale does not exist. Language translation may not work.
See the troubleshooting guide on zenphoto.org for details.

PHP mbstring package [is not present and iconv() is not working]

You need to install the mbstring package or correct the issue with iconv(()

PHP MySQL support
zp-config.php file [does not exist]

Edit the zp-config.php.source file and rename it to zp-config.php

You can find the file in the "zp-core" directory.

Zenphoto core files
Server seems not to be Apache or Apache-compatible, .htaccess not required.
Warning: fopen(../.htaccess) [function.fopen]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in D:\Inetpub\webs\ilmiositoit\gallery\zp-core\setup.php on line 981

Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in D:\Inetpub\webs\ilmiositoit\gallery\zp-core\setup.php on line 987

.htaccess RewriteBase is /zenphoto [Does not match install folder]

Setup was not able to write to the file change RewriteBase match the install folder.
Either make the file writeable or set RewriteBase in your .htaccess file to /gallery.

albums folder [The line $conf['album_folder'] is missing from your zp-config.php file.]

You should update your zp-config.php file to conform to the current zp-config.php.example file.

cache folder
locale folders

You need to address the problems indicated above then run setup.php again.